Tech, justice and liberation
Help with understanding emerging approaches that combine digital tech with justice, equity and inclusion.
What is...?
Guides to what we mean by tech justice, liberatory tech and other emerging fields.
Creating and running digital services
How to take existing services online or design new ones.
Designing digital services: the basics
What digital service design means. How it's different. Why it's the best way to create online services that people need and want to use. Free learn design thinking course.
Designing digital services: next steps
Using design tools and techniques. Creating different types of digital services. Creating human connection online. Content design.
Writing for your users
How to use words and other content to make your services work better for your users and everyone else.
Making services safe
Digital safeguarding. Risk assessing online platforms. Safely connecting vulnerable people online.
Making services accessible
Accessibility. Your website. Accessible content. Accessible facilitation. Hybrid events.
Making services inclusive
Digital inclusion. Reducing exclusion. The Digital Champion model. Inclusive online learning.
Working digitally
Advice on day to day digital tools, people and practices.
Funding digital work
How to fund if you're a funder. How to get funded if you're a provider.
Inspiration and how-to guides from other non-profits.
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