Tech, justice and liberation
Help with understanding emerging approaches that combine digital tech with justice, equity and inclusion.

What is...?
Guides to what we mean by tech justice, liberatory tech and other emerging fields.

Funding digital and justice work
Funders funding digital and justice work. Advice on finding and preparing applications for justice and digital funding.

Funding equitably
How some funders are changing and adopting new participatory and equity-based models of grant making.

Beyond diversity, equity and inclusion
DEI policies and approaches don't create justice. Learn how we can go further.

Trauma-informed design
How to design digital tools and services in ways that support equity and justice.

Writing anti-oppressive content
How to use words and other content to support equity and justice.

Just governance
How to help your not-for-profit's board govern in ways that increase equity.
Design justice
How to design digital tools and services in ways that support equity and justice.

Shared Digital Guides
How not-for-profits are centring impacted people, shifting power and using technology for justice. Contributed by the Catalyst network.
Creating and running digital services
How to take existing services online or design new ones.

Beyond diversity, equity and inclusion
DEI policies and approaches don't create justice. Learn how we can go further.

Trauma-informed design
How to design digital tools and services in ways that support equity and justice.

Writing anti-oppressive content
How to use words and other content to support equity and justice.
Working digitally
Advice on day to day digital tools, people and practices.

Just governance
How to help your not-for-profit's board govern in ways that increase equity.
Funding digital work
How to fund if you're a funder. How to get funded if you're a provider.

Funding digital and justice work
Funders funding digital and justice work. Advice on finding and preparing applications for justice and digital funding.

Funding equitably
How some funders are changing and adopting new participatory and equity-based models of grant making.
Inspiration and how-to guides from other non-profits.
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