How we work with funders & government agencies

We’re here to help you provide the best possible support to nonprofits. We offer a space where you can connect, learn and grow, and develop your funding programmes and government funding for charities to maximise their impact.

Funders we work with

How we can help you

We'll work closely with you to provide you with resources and advice both for internal growth and to support your grantees. We want you to be digitally confident and at ease with designing new funding programmes. We want to support you to sow the seeds for digital transformation in the sector. Please get in touch.

Get involved

Stay updated on our activities through our newsletter, LinkedIn and Twitter. We have specific funders resources and would love to talk if you have any questions.

Find out how to get involved
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Contact us

We would love to hear from you. Please feel free to get in touch and speak to one of our team, we look forward to having a chat soon!