The Report

Check out the infographic below and/or download the full version of Web3 Futures: Unearthing the potential for nonprofits

Web3 Futures

Unearthing the
potential for nonprofits

As a discovery research project for Catalyst, Huddlecraft invited 5 nonprofits to a 3-day learning immersion to explore the potential of emerging Web3 technologies.

The aims of the project:


Better understand the evolving Web3 landscape and the potential it holds for nonprofits


Build relationships to support continued learning about Web3


Learn to use knowledge in different contexts


Share information with the wider non profit sector

Our Discussion

Need for sector change

purple icon of a handshake

Declining trust & Engagement

1 purple emoji smiling and 1 white emoji frowning

Generational & attitudinal shifts

purple lightning bolt

Power, governance & structural issues

purple piggy bank icon

Funding challenges

opening quote

Web3 offers a vision for a better, fairer internet, where power is not concentrated in the hands of so few

closing quote mark
graphic of man and woman planting seed in a small hole
2 cartoon men holding a tree

Visions for the future

pink hand holding love heart

Open, transparent and member-led

atoms icon

Networked collaboration

purple megaphone icon

Close to the impact of actions

purple lightbulb icon

Fluidly exchanging ideas & resources

Opportunities and areas of development for adopting Web3

In our discussions these Web3 technologies emerged most
relevant for charities:

Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs)

Sensitive Data > tokens

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Smart contracts

These could help with...

there is a vector image of a tree with bright pink/red fruits. Each fruit has one of the following texts: Strengthening engagement with community, improved decision making, new income streams, improved governance, staying relevant, improved security and efficiency
graphic of 3 apple trees with a man holding a spade next to them. There are 6 apples with headings on them
apple image

with community

apple image

Improved security
and efficiency

apple image

Improved decision making

apple image

Staying relevant

apple image

New Income

apple image

Improved governance

a graphic of a man holding a bunch of apples

Participants outcomes:

Increased knowledge & understanding

“Lots of value gained! A brilliant intro to a huge subject”

Enhanced clarity and application

“It was really helpful to feel ahead of the curve on this. To have a clearer sense of how Web3 can be applied in our work and some really concrete ideas to put into action”

Improved confidence

“I learnt so much and feel inspired to continue learning

Increased connection & support

“Always great to connect and learn with others in the sector”

4 carrots planted in the ground

Recommended next steps:

light blue icon with dark blue outline of a spade

Iterate the Web3 immersion pilot, building on what we learned

light pink icon with the outline of a heart in dark blue

Split the learning offer in 2: 1light-touch exploration and 1 deeper dive with prototyping and implementation support

light blue icon with 4 dark blue cubes inside

Find more partners who can bring in more resources, capacity and content

light blue icon with the dark blue outline of a 2 leaved plant inside

Repeat for other emerging technologies, e.g. Generative AI Large Language Models like ChatGPT

pink icon with the dark blue outline of a 2 leaved plant inside

Repeat this with 2 more tech areas and analyse the outcomes, to understand the sector's future disruption preparedness

With thanks to:
Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity, Save the Children UK, Signalise, Transition Network and The Visionaries for their participation

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